Importance of Animal Husbandry

Concept Explanation

Importance of Animal Husbandry

From the dawn of civilization man has used animals for food and work. The dog was probably the first animal man domesticated because dog could easily be trained to do a number of tasks. Cows, buffalo, bulls and bullocks, together called cattle play an important role in the economy of rural India. On the basis of utility, domestic animals can be grouped int four types:

1.   Milk producing or milch animals: cows, buffaloes and goats.

2.   Meat – egg producing animals: ducks, fowls, sheep, pigs and goats.

3.   Working or draught animals: they are used for agricultural work and transportation like camels, buffalo, horses, mules etc.

4.   Fibre and skin yielding animals: sheep, goats, cattle, horses etc. We obtain useful things like wool, leather, medicines etc.

Animal husbandry: Animal husbandry is the scientific management of livestock. It can be defined as the science of rearing, feeding, breeding, disease control and utilisation of animals. Animal based farming includes cattle, goat, sheep, poultry and fish farming.

Need of Animal Husbandry:

1.   Animal husbandry is required to meet the increasing demand of animal based goods like milk, meat, eggs, leather, etc., according to the size of the population and living standards of the people.

2.   Fish production: there is lot of potential for increasing the production of freshwater and marine fishes. Efficient hatching fish from eggs and their proper care can be learnt from animal husbandry.

Animal husbandry sets guidelines for proper management and systematic approach to animal rearing. However there are some handicaps in the promotion and growth of livestock industry like shortage of feed and fodder, lack of care, poor genetic potential of livestock and climatic conditions.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Animal husbandry is the scientific management of __________________

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Which of the following is called the "Father of White Revolution" in India ?

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

Animal husbandry is the science of ___________________________ and utilisation of animals.

Right Option : D
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